As much as we love hearing Travis struggle to pronounce the names of Mythic Legions characters, we figured it was time to provide an official pronunciation guide for the line! This page will be updated as new characters are introduced.
- Adamonn (ad’-am-on)
- Aethon (ā’-thon)
- Alder (al’-dur)
- Aphareus (af-ar’-ē-us)
- Aracagorr (a-rak’-a-gor)
- Archeopterix (ark-ē-op’-ter-iks)
- Arethyr (er’-eh-thēr)
- Argemedes (ar-geh-mē’-dēz)
- Arrizak (er’-i-zak)
- Artemyss Silverchord (ar’-teh-mis / sil’-ver-kord)
- Asterionn (as-ter’-ē-on)
- Attila Leossyr (a-til’-a / lē’-ō-sēr)
- Attlus (at’-lus)
- Azahazzar (az-ah-hāz’-ar)
- Azhar (ā’-zar)
- Azza Spiritbender (āz’-ah / spēr-it-ben-dur)
- B’alam (ba-lom’)
- Balius (bal’-ē-us)
- Baron Volligar (ber’-on / vol’-i-gar)
- Belphegorr (bel’-feh-gor)
- Boarrior (bor’-ē-er)
- Bōlthor the Tower (bol’-thor)
- Bothar Shadowhorn (bō’-thar / shad’-ō-horn)
- Bromdenn Ironjaw (brom’-den / ī’-orn-jah)
- Brontus the Arena Troll (bron’-tus)
- Brother Mandibulus (bru’-ther / man-dib’-yū-lus)
- Bryophytus (brī-of’-it-us)
- Bubotros (bū’-bō-trōs)
- Cador (kā’-dor)
- Calavius (ka-lāv’-ē-us)
- Carpathias (kar-pā’-thē-us)
- Cassia (cas’-ē-ah)
- Clavian (clā-vē-an)
- Colonel Domesticus (ker’-nel / dom-es’-tik-us)
- Cowarros (cow’-er-ōs)
- Cyanicus (sī-an’-ik-us)
- Decebalus (De-seb’-a-lus)
- Delphina of Eathyross (del-fēn’-ah / ēth’-er-os)
- Deltigar the Destroyer (del’-ti-gar)
- Dorina Onoris (dor-ē’-na / ō-nor’-is)
- Drayleeon (drā’-lē-on)
- Eagalus (ē-gal’-us)
- Eathyron (ē’-thir-on)
- Equaddron (ek’-wah-dron)
- Faunus (fon’-us)
- Faustia (fow’-stē-ah)
- Freyja of Deadhall (frā-ah / ded’-hol)
- Gadriel (gād’-rē-el)
- Gonxx (gonx’)
- Gorgo Aetherblade (gor’-gō / ē’-ther-blād)
- Gorthokk - (gor’-thok)
- Gryshaa the Slytherer (grish’-ah / slith’-er-er)
- Gwendolynne Heavensbrand (gwen’-dō-lin / hev’-enz-brand)
- Hadriana (had-rē-ah’-nah)
- Hagnon (hag’-non)
- Halmyr Goldentooth (hal’-meer / gol’-den-tooth)
- Helphyre Goblin (hel’-fīr)
- Herra Serpenspire (hehr’-ah / ser’-pen-spīr)
- Ilgar (il’-gar)
- Illythia (il-lith’-ē-ah)
- Jjuno the Crusher (jū’-nō)
- Jorund Runeshaper (jor’-und / rūn’-shãp-er)
- Kalizir (kal’-i-zēr)
- Keltuss (kel’-tus)
- King No’glin (nōg’-lin)
- Kkurzog (kur’-zog)
- Knubnik (nub’-nik)
- Kronnaw (krō’-naw)
- Krotos (krō’-tōs)
- Lord Aydon (ā’-don)
- Lord Bardric (bard’-rik)
- Lord Bushotee the Alpha (bū-shot’-ē)
- Lord Draguul (dra-gūl’)
- Lord Veteris (ve-ter’-is)
- Lucretia (lū-krē’-shē-ah)
- Magnus (pür-aw’-sum)
- Malachi Cinderhorn (mal’-a-kī / sin’-der-horn)
- Malephar (mal’-eh-far)
- Mallatard the Duck (mal’-a-tard)
- Malleus (mal’-ē-us)
- Malynna (ma-lin’-ah)
- Mephitor (mef’-i-tor)
- Morgolyth (mor’-gō-lith)
- Myria Goldenbranch (mir’-ē-ah / gol’-den-branch)
- Okeaetos (ō-kē-ā’-tōs)
- Orn Steelhide (orn’ / stēl’-hīd)
- Osperus (os’-per-us)
- Otho (ō’-thō)
- Pelecus (pel’-eh-kus)
- Pelvicus (pel’-vi-kus)
- Peteorionn (pē-tor’-ē-on)
- Phlogeus (flō’-gē-us)
- Phobus (fō’-bus)
- Phoenicus (fē’-nik-us)
- Pixxus (pik’-sus)
- Poxxus (pok’-sus)
- Purrrplor (pur’-plor)
- Queen Urkzaa (urk’-zah)
- Ragna Stormforger (rag’-nah / storm’-for-jer)
- Rahmulus (rom’-ū-lus)
- Ravaena (rah-vā’-nah)
- Raygorr (rā’-gor)
- Samir Scrollwarder (sah-mēr’ / scrol’-war-der)
- Scaphoid (skaf’-oyd)
- Scarletross (skar’-leh-trōs)
- Silverhorn Sentry (sil’-ver-horn)
- Sir Galeron (ga’-ler-on)
- Sir Gideon Heavensbrand (gi’-dē-on / hev’-enz-brand)
- Sir Girard (jer-ard’)
- Sir Godfrey (god’-frē)
- Sir Ignatius (ig-nā’-shē-us)
- Sir Owain (ō-wān’)
- Sir Valgard (val’-gard)
- Skapular the Cryptbreaker (skap’-ū-lar)
- Snagg (snag’)
- Thalynn Frostbow (thal’-in / frost’-bō)
- Tharnog (thar’-nog)
- Thistlethorn (this’-el-thorn)
- Thord Ironjaw (thord’ / ī-orn-jah)
- Thraice Wraithhailer (thrãs’ / rāth’-hā-ler)
- Thumpp (thump’)
- Thwikk (thwik’)
- Tibius (tib’-ē-us)
- Torgun Redfin (tor’-gun / red’-fin)
- Torrion (tor’-ē-on)
- Toucarr (tū’-car)
- Trumpetus (trump’-et-us)
- Unkann (unk’-an)
- Urkku (ur’-kū)
- Urzokk (ur’-zok)
- Uuwitt (ū-wit’)
- Vallak (val’-ak)
- Vargg (varg’)
- Vitus (vē’-tus)
- Vorgus Vermillius (vor’-gus / ver-mil’-ē-us)
- Vorthogg (vor’-thog)
- Xarria (zar’-ē-ah)
- Xylona (zī-lō’-nah)
- Zahzar (zā’-zar)
- Zende Amaanthyr (zen’-dā / ah-mon’-thēr)
- Zenithon (zē’-ni-thon)